Friday, November 30, 2012

Limited time

It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth - and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had. Legion Legions Legislate Legislation Legislative Branch Process Legislator Legislators Legislature Legislatures Legitimacy Legitimate Legitimately Legs Leia Leibniz Leigh Leisure Time Leisurely Lemmon Lemon Lemonade Lemons Lena Lend Lend-Lease Lender Lending Lends Length Lengthened Lengthens Lengths Lengthy Lenient Lenin Lennon Lenny Bruce Leno Lens Lenses Lent Leo Leonard Leonardo Leone Leopard Leotards Leper Leppard Leprosy Les Lesbian Lesbians Leslie Less Lessen Lessened Lessening Lessens Lesser Lesser Extent Lesson Lessons Lessons Learned Lest Things Lester Let-Down Let-Go Let-Us Lethal Lethargy Lets Letter Lettered Letterman Letters Letting Lettuce Leukemia Levees Level Playing Field Leveled Leveler Leveling Levels Lever Leverage Levers Levi Levied Levine Levity Levy Lewinsky Lewis Lexington Liability Liable Liar Liars Lib Libel Liberace Liberal Arts Democracy Democrats Education Party Liberalisation Liberalism Liberality Liberalization Liberally Liberals Liberate Liberated Woman Liberates Liberating Liberation Liberator Liberators Libertarian Libertarians Liberties Liberty Librarian Librarians Libraries Library Book Libya Libyan Lice Licence License Licensed Licenses Licensing Licentiousness Lick Licked Licking Licks Lid Lie Lied Lieder